Thursday, October 15, 2009


"Fear is how i fall....confusing what is real".No these lines are not by

me,neither have I the experience nor talent for such wise

one-liners.These lines are taken from the song "crawling" by Linkin

park,I simply love that band,they've a message to convey in every

Fear,that powerful of all emotions is not alien to anyone amongst us,we

all have in one way or other confronted fear in it's various

manifestations.But why do we fear?Is it really worth it?
Some wise man did say "the tragedy of life is...the strongest of our

desires and biggest of our nightmares are almost same ,in the sense that

they never are realized"
Yet we spend most of our worthy time in fear.In fear of deeds of our

past & in fear of our future.Very rarely do we live in the present ,we

keep swinging between past and future.The question is:Why do we fear?

and What do we fear?
Fear is in-built in humans ,we probably cant do without it,but courage

is not absence of fear but the will-power to carry on , in spite of

fear.I assume we fear because we are "ignorant",we fear because we do

not understand things properly....we fear because we are too afraid to

abandon fear itself.We fear snakes because we are ignorant of the fact

that unless disturbed,a snake does not attack.We fear failing in exams

because we see the difficult path but not the chance to better

ourselves, we fear losing our property because we donot understand that

being materialistic never satisfied anyone.
Now comes the question:What? i.e What do we fear exactly?What I have

learnt from my limited experience in life is that we fear

"consequences",in more crude words we fear the future.
Imagine what we could have accomplished, had we not stepped back in fear

of consequences.My father tells me "try to do...what you fear the

most".Yes i agree that we cant get all things we TRY for ,but surely

enough we cant get anything if we donot TRY at all.
So next time ,just go n do it...go and start a new project that you were

holding back in fear of failure, go and stand up against what you think

is wrong....go and confess your feelings to the person you care for, the

feelings that you hid in your heart and never brought to lips due to

fear of rejection.We may not succeed...but in the end , we feel less

burdened ,much lighter .

Fear clouds the mind,it doesnot allow right decisions at right time and

right place.While we shed our fear...we overtly simplify our own lives.

"Fear always springs from ignorance."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson



  1. Wow!thats beautiful and yes its the greatest truth every human should realize...........
    watching sumthing u can never get -really hurts but getting sumthing u can never have, only coz of ur fear to loose it - only gives pain..........
    hope so this quatified truth of yours helps to wake up the nation

  2. dear itz pure honesty u hav portrayed.....I doubt how many will be honest to admit these emotions....well still pain aint a bad thing...pain and pleasure come as a pain no gain is true beyond doubt....letz face life as it comes

  3. I know of a girl who sayz she lives in the present, doesnt regret her past and blablabla. I havent said her yet, but she is the best possible example of contradiction...she aint happy, constantly living in fear. FEAR is not a bad thing, it just needs some getting used to. Itz not about denying the absence of fear, and also failures for that matter, but living through it.

  4. A little girl defined courage as " THE ABILITY TO FIND A WAY OUT WHEN YOU ARE AFRAID". And the summation of all human wisdom, both inherent and acquired is in two words:"WAIT" and "HOPE".

  5. where do u get such gr8 ideas?offcourse i m the inspiration of this article
