Saturday, October 10, 2009

On feelings, on love.....that syncing feeling.

Looking back at life, I have had two convictions, which were more or less, with me. First, I have always felt I don’t deserve love. Second, I do not want love.

Somewhere, I had confused love and obsession, as one and same feeling, varying only in degrees.

Once, I decided to work hard on the relationship. Other times, I allowed situations to rule the roost. All the times, I was misunderstood. Always doubted.

Is it fear paralyzing my soul. Maybe yes. The first thing that comes to my mind is am I the best for her. Someone else may love her more than me. Can’t convince myself about this. I feel I love her the most and this is the most I can love. I mean its perhaps my limitation, that I cannot love her more. Someone may take care of her better. Everytime I have hurt her, the only prayer has been: God, if u really exist, Kill me, immediately, with a bullet right between my eyes. No right, left. Dead center.

Is it better to be a true friend and see her smiling from a distance. She makes her appearance for sometime and naughtily asks will u be able to see me in someone else’s arms. Last week’s Business Standard is in the corner and its angry. Didn’t read a page this week. A quick analysis. Investment zero. The other man does all the work. Profit, I am happy when I see her from a distance. Now that I will be far, I will be seeing her from distance, I will be having selective perceptions, based on sampled evidences, which will be different from true ones. Overall, its profitable. She asks again, how would u feel when I am touched by someone else? Yes, blood will be lava, I would burn within. 2-3 days of crying, 2-3 months of sulking and in desperate terms,2-3 years of getting-used-to, It wouldn’t matter. And I can always chase my records myself, with time I grow better, though slow, orkut has suggested that gradually improving people should be encouraged. But true friendship would help me a lot to fulfill my other roles a lot better. Before doing the Houdini act for the last time, u ask again, what is he is violent, so metimes? I have no answer. How will I stop myself then?

I ask myself: Can I bear a misunderstanding again? Last time, I cried and cried. My tears meant nothing to u. I was a boy then. Now I cry within. I die within. All I know is I am a lover and an insecure one. I remember my friend, the fastest Indian Dev and his tagline of years: Every ordinary love story has an extraordinary lovestory. Jo aapki marzi, Rab di marzi.

Satya Shiladitya Kar

I couldn’t sleep, these haunted me. There’s no answer, just questions. I obviously don’t want to write a love letter, though I end up writing one.If anyone likes it, plzzz give a call or send a message on 9937763577. I just want to feel I am not alone. Also feel some people like me.


  1. wow!!wonderful .....i loved d way u wrote about your feelings.......

  2. Thumbs up. I am wid u. go get her

  3. satya bhai.....i assume blood is already "lava"
    i'll need some time to make a considerable comment on this , as u know my current position is "vulnerable"

  4. @Raan: Itz not about getting her. I already hav her, rather, she has me. I m just tired of not being trusted. It feels like a bag full of shit.
    Satya shiladitya k

  5. Upon 2nd thoughts, she seems 2 b a girlfriend only type of gal. Not d one to marry.That is, u gotta have to bear a lot if u get into a longtym relnship. Just throw that insecure gal out of ur lyf. If she made u feel this way, she is not worth it.And if u cant, just be a gud friend, not best friend. And wid another man, u wont feel a thing buddy. I know u. be d predator, the deadly cocktail of lion n bull u r. Dont get me wrong.I speak as one who cares 4 u

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Gals usually behave this way..........they wanna have options. Not like guys like us. If u think she will be unhappy if u leave her,Dont worry, sumone else will fill ur shoes.There r a lot of hopeless males who would settle for anything. U only say,that u have found every gal, no matter how ugly, has atleast 10 people running after her. Y d fcuk do u wanna be the 11th? ONLY thing if it goes dis way, I doubt u r gonna achieve any of ur "GOALS TO BE SCORED BEFORE I DIE". Dont kick shit. Itz ur leg thats gonna be dirty.Is it d same one who called up when u were ill?

  8. Leave it dere, Raan.I wanted a solution, no further trouble. As it is, I think I belong to the rare category of men who are not made for love(both real and fake). Itz not her fault.I couldn convince her. U have hit the bullseye in ur speech. Theres a guy from earlier times who is perhaps still after her.And she indirectly hints he is more caring than me.During old times, I wasn fond of him, but now I feel he is a gud guy. If he is a better man, I really dont think I would mind any eventuality. Itz a small life anyway. who knows when i will die. today.tomorrow..few days..few years...nothing would hurt or matter then

  9. dude...
    well "LAVA...BEST FRIEND(of a gal)...finally knowing the diff between LOVE & OBSESSION..." well u seem like already a winner to me man...
    U finally knew another aspect of human life...
    and as per the question of GETTING her TRUST goes...well if u feel like a bag of shit for NOT being trusted then stop whining abt it. DO something abt it man.
    GO GET HER JOE... :)
