Tuesday, October 6, 2009

what's the difference between the vast sky spread before you and the temple laid in front of you....where does your so-called GOD live and carry out his functions,does he sees you from sky or from the man-chosen abode of temple.My friends call me a staunch atheist because i dont believe in the concept of GOD.
For me "atheism is not the denial of GOD ,but the denial of the present concept of GOD".....yes ,i see the same beauty and same faith both in the vast sky and in the temple ,infact i see the same beauty in every atom of nature...it doesnot matter wherever it may lie.

What GOD is to others ,HOPE is to me.....so it's very clear that we as a society have given a materialistic identity to hope i.e GOD,we have created a support system for ourshelves to fall back on ,when things dont go as we wanted them to be in first place.In more crude words ,we want someone to take the blame for our decisions in life and also to take credit for our accomplishments.Why would any rational person do that?

When i term myself as rational i donot abandon the power of HOPE ,infact no mortal can survive without hope ....it's only the hope for a better tomorrow that gives us a reason to fight the perils of our present and forget misdeeds of past.No one can abandon hope but at same time i believe firmly in "plan of nature"....every thing has an cause-effect relationship.if we want some change in our life ...we have to work towards it,every time we may not succeed but the struggle with situations is what romance is made of and it does make our lives a little more worthwhile.



  1. I loved the following lines ---> "It's only the hope for a better tomorrow that gives us a reason to fight the perils of our present and forget misdeeds of past."

    I'm looking forward to more blog posts in the near future..good one's,just like this. :-)

  2. ba grt......
    bhala lekhichu ta.........
    n tu helu actual DAVIAN........
    na kn?
    mu emiti kn pani kahili tu bujhi paruthibu i hope so...

  3. since we as an individual never lose hope no matter whereever v r, so we say "god is everywhere" .....the above artice has given a real meaning to the god .....its true hope is god.

    i hope u l come up with such brilliant ideas in ur next article ........

  4. wow thats beautiful!hmmmm afterall u proved urself as a perfect DAVIAN..........but i must say itz d must beautiful part of u and ur thinking.
